Sunday, December 27, 2020

Author/Book Recommendation

One of my favorite authors is Joseph Campbell. He writes in a slightly meandering way, philosophical, spiritual, imaginative, connected somewhat to cultural anthropology and Jungian thought or archetypes. He is clever and has a very strong voice that is easy to follow. His writing is fairly deep and yet, if you are a deep or spiritual thinker, it does not come across as incredibly heavy. I often laugh at his writing because he does write with a very good sense of humor.

“The Hero’s Journey” is perhaps his most famous work, connected to the inspiration behind the Star Wars trilogy. But my favorite book is “Pathways to Bliss.” For me this book offers much inspiring imagery and language, or a way to rattle your imagination a little if you need to dust it off and find new perspective. It is just very enjoyable to read. He is also very encouraging of the creative journey and reminds us of its importance, and also that it is quite imperfect and humorous at times, yet tangible. Don’t make a big issue of it and give up.

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